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National Heart Foundation, Sylhet

National Heart Foundation Hospital, Sylhet

Organic Growth

Expansion Hospital (Organic Growth)
National Heart Foundation Sylhet(NHFS) aims to create a sustainable Not-for-Profit 200-bed Super-specialty Cardiac Care Hospital in Sylhet, Bangladesh to enable affordable access to quality curative cardiac care.  NHHS needs funds for delivering infrastructure, personnel, management, and leadership to establish sustainable Not-for-Profit 200-bed Super-specialty Cardiac Care Hospital and Research Institute in Sylhet, Bangladesh

The total land area is 1.00 Acre purchased by National Heart Foundation Sylhet and is allowed to have a total build area of around 130,000 sq. ft, in 10-storey buildings with around 12,600 sq. ft. per floor.

NHFS has already completed 6 floors of the hospital spending around $2.5 million.  Hospital needs assistance in following three categories to complete the 200-bed Hospital.

Category A:

Please refer to Annex - A. Hospital urgently needs to purchase these equipment to make its 100-bed capacity fully utilized.

Category B:

NHFS request a $500,000 grant for capacity building and skill training for the doctors, nurses and health technicians. Fund will be utilized to train hospital’s doctors, nurses and health technicians by the foreign trainers from reputed international cardiachospitals. Using this fund Doctors, nurses and health technicians of NHFS also will be sent to reputed internationally cardiac centers for training.

Category C:

For expansion of Phase II of the hospital (i.e. adding another four floors), NHFS requests a grant of $2,000,000 for civil construction, $150,000 for furniture and $850,000 for medical equipment. These new floors will accommodate another 100 beds and will have ICU, NICU, CCU, Cabin and Ward. After Implementing Phase II, hospital will be able to bring much needed Pediatric Cardiology service for the people of Sylhet.

Sponsorship of New Projects

National Heart Foundation Hospital, Sylhetl being the only specialized heart centre in the region with all the diagnostic facilities under one roof, is constantly pressurized to meet the growing needs. However, our current capacity allows us to accept only a fraction of these patients. This hospital will not only double our patient capacity but also include a number of additional specialized units. By contributing in this venture you will enable us to extend state-of-the-art treatment facilities to more and more patients. For sponsorship details with regard to the new project you can contact us.

Sponsorship of New Equipment

In line with the mission statement, National Heart Foundation Hospital, Sylhet strives to remain at the cutting edge of technology to be able to provide the highest quality modern method of care to patients. The Hospital aims to acquire more medical equipment during this year and hence keep abreast with some of the best heart hospital of the world.

Account Details:

Account Name: National Heart Foundation Zakat Tohbil 
Account No. 3685102000223
Pubali Bank Shahi Eidgah Branch

Total Grant Needed for Implementing Categories A, B, and C: $5.91 million + $0.5 million + $3 million = $9.41 million
ANNEX A: List of Equipment needed for Category A

Qty Product Description Unit price Total
100 Bedside Monitor GE Dash 4000 Bedside Monitor GE Dash 4000. ECG, NIBP, SpO2(N), Temp, Resp, 1-IBP, Color $6,500 $650,000
100 Patient Bed Power Patient Bed $3,000 $300,000
10 Central Monitoring System For GE Monitors $4,800 $48,000
20 Welch Allyn MRL PIC, Biphasic Defibrillator-Colour Monitor with Pacing, 12 Lead ECG, NIBP, Fax and Recorder, Colour $3,060 $61,200
16 CarefusionViasysAvea CarefusionViasysAvea, Assist/Control, SIMV, CPAP, VCV, PCV, PSV, PRVC, APRV/BiPhasic, Compressor $15,000 $240,000
2 CarefusionViasysAvea ANESTHESIA Workstation- Draeger- Fabius GS $25,440 $50,880
2 Skytron 6001 Remote Control Surgical Table with Radiop Tops and 500 Ib Capacity $15,820 $31,640
2 Axia Head band HB-100 Adjustable headband with 9 foot fiberoptic cable $1,440 $2,880
2 MaquetLucea Dual 50/100 LED OT Light Dual Head, Center Mount Surgical LED Light with a combined output of 150,000 Lux. $14,400 $28,800
2 Valleylab Force FX High Power Digital ESU $8,160 $16,320
2 Hemachron Response ACT Machine $4,900 $9,800
2 Terumo Sarns System 1 Complete 4 Pump Open Heart System $88,000 $176,000
2 Datascope 98XT Intra AorticBallon Pump $15,000 $30,000
2 Terumo Sarns TCM II Digital Heater / Cooler $10,800 $21,600
16 Baxter Collegue 3  Infusion Pump 3 channel Infusion Pump $1,500 $24,000
16 Baxter AS-50 Digital Syringe Pump $1,000 $16,000
2 Nihon Kohden 4418 EEG 16 Channel EEG with Photo Simulator $6,500 $13,000
2 Fresenius Portable Dialysis System Dialysis Machine $22,000 $44,000
2 Harmonic Scalpel For vessel cutting and sealing $28,000 $56,000
2 Shaver System 6000 RPM Shaver System with footpedal and Universal Handpiece $5,000 $10,000
2 EP-Lab + Stockert for     Ablation                $115,000 $230,000
1 Sterrard 100S Sterilization System $110,000 $110,000
2 Sternum Saw Stryker system includes 2107 sternum saw, Sternum Guard and New blade, 2110 battery charger and 2115 new battery $7,000 $14,000
3 Stress Test System GE Case Stress test system with T2000 Treadmill and flat screen monitor. $19,000 $57,000
2 GE Marquette Mac 5500 ECG GE Marquette Mac 5500, Interp, 6Ch, 12L, Color Display $13,000 $26,000
4 Sonosite Portable Ultrasound Portable Ultrasound with Cardiac Package $50,000 $200,000
2 TOURNIQUETS Dual Cuff tourniquet complete with Hoses $9,000 $18,000
10 Patient Trolley Stryker 1710 with Hi Lo System $3,500 $35,000
1 GE AMX III Portable Xray Unit $6,500 $6,500
6 Portable Ventilator Tyco Portable Ventilator with Pressure support for Pedi and adults $7,000 $42,000
4 Cardiac Ambulance   $150,000 $600,000
1 GE OEC 9800 mobile cath lab for CT Angio and CT Scan ESP-Expanded Surgical Package, Vascular Package $350,000 $350,000
2 Cathlab   $700,000 $1,400,000
1 Digital x-ray   $190,000 $190,000
1 Complete Central Air Conditioning System   $300,000 $300,000
1 Hospital Management Software   $500,000 $500,000
  TOTAL $5,908,620